Its been awhile since i cooked.. anything!
Magical Saturdays made perfect
with homemade stacks of crispy yet fluffy pippin' hot pancakes topped
caramelized oranges & drizzled maple syrup!
My favorite pancake mix + Caramelized oranges.
I love frying my pancakes on my happycall pan, so easy and pretty!
I know its been awhile since i made bentos.. years probably! but bcos my #ChimpanzeInTutu #InsideJoke lol, fiancé made me laugh so much and so super happy during our #bangkok #vacation
last week, I decided to make a breakfast bento and drive over to his
workplace for him!
Bunny peeking out at ya while you eat hehe
The fiance and I went out to grab some pizzas from Dominos for dinner, they are my favourite pizza go-to place! No more Pizza Hut. Ewww
Insta that we were watching Saving Privates while having pizza for dinner and hours later he saw the insta and was laughing like mad, like literally ROFL. He was like SAVE PRIVATES FOR WHAT? PRIVATE PARTS AH?!
Turns out it's Saving Private Ryan *hides in a hole* wtf..
Very sudden and random LOTD to cover my shame. hahaha
Got the Black/White/Gold knitted top during my bkk trip!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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